Our club participates in several tournaments throughout the year, each for various grades and types of teams. We expect each tournament to be different because it attracts different types of teams and has differing levels of competitiveness. Please check with your grade manager for what opportunities your player has this year.
Karori Cup
The Karori Cup is an annual fixture between Waterside Karori AFC v Upper Hutt City Football Club. It involves two teams from each of the junior grades and combined results determine the overall winner for the year.
Team selections
Our club supports teams playing in regional and national tournaments throughout the year. The club makes an annual financial contribution that is available to each grade. Tournament attendance and preferences will be discussed by coaches and grade managers early in the season. A plan of how the club contribution per grade is applied will be shared. Selected teams take part in several tournaments throughout the year including the tournaments below.
Team selections for each tournament are based on:
- our knowledge of tournament competitiveness and match to team/player abilities
- league ‘grading’ of teams within a grade
- commitments from players and teams for travel and other incurred costs
- club budget and potential fundraising opportunities
The final allocation will be at the discretion of each grade manager and administered by our tournaments coordinator.
Representative football tournaments will always have precedence over club tournaments, as detailed in the Federation rules.
Dates for 2022 tournaments TBC.
For more on tournaments, contact your grade manager.