Upper Hutt City Football Registrations 2025

Welcome to the 2025 season!

Upper Hutt City Football has this year made the switch to Sporty as our registration system, in line with New Zealand Football moving to the same system next year.



RETURNING PLAYERS (registered with us in 2024)

If you were registered with us last year, you will receive an email inviting you to register for this season. The form will be pre-populated with the information we have on record. Please do use this opportunity to update your contact information where applicable. It would be very helpful for you to also please complete the “optional” as well as the “compulsory” fields.

Haven’t received an invitation to register?

Please check your spam and/or any old email addresses. If you still don’t have the link, you can register using the New Player Registration Form below instead.

NEW PLAYERS (or returning player previously registered prior to 2024)

Fill in the indicated fields and follow the prompts through the registration form to complete registration and submit payment (where applicable). Payment can be made via credit card or internet bank transfer.


You can register multiple players at once, simply click on “add person” at the bottom of the registration form.

Any questions regarding the registration process, please contact, Gillian Patterson, playfootball@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz


Juniors and Youth – 2025 season

Year of Birth Grade** Registration Fee (per player) incl gst
2019-2021 First Kicks $40
2017-2018 7th and 8th grade – Fun Football $120
2013-2018 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade – Mini Football $120
2008-2012 U13, U15, U17 mixed – Youth football $145*
2007 or later U18 Girls Only $145*

* Youth players who choose to trial for a TDP Programme and are selected, will incur an additional $500 fee per player (a total fee of $645 for Terms 1-3). An additional programme is offered in Term 4, fee $100.

Please indicate your interest in the TDP by answering the relevant question during the registration process.

**Girls can play down a year, for example, a female born 2011 (U14) can choose to play U13s mixed football instead.


How to pay

Online by credit card or bank transfer as you register. Online payments incur a small additional fee (details on the Registration Form).

TDP fees are invoiced separately.

Girls Only Sunday leagues

In previous years, Upper Hutt City Football has entered teams into the Capital Football Girls Only Sunday Leagues at U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16. This allows our junior girls the option to play girls’ only, or to play both mixed (on Saturdays) and Girls’ Only on Sundays.

For 2025, if enough players are interested, we will again be looking to enter teams in these Girls’ Only Sunday leagues. For now, please just register in the relevant age grade. All U8-U18 female players will be contacted in due course by the grade manager to see if they wish to play in the Girls Only league, the Mixed League, or Both (there is no extra cost to play in both).

For more info on our Girl’s only options please contact Katie Pettengell, Women’s Captain, katie@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz

Need more help?

If you’re unsure which programme would be best for your junior or youth player and you wish to discuss your options, please contact:

Director of Junior Football, Jonathon Winkworth, jonathan@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz

Senior Men and Women (Social and Competitive) – 2025 Season

We offer options for competitive, social and (men’s) masters’ grades.

Registering for Senior Football

Registrations through Sporty Manager for the 2025 season are now open.

This year, we have introduced a $100 deposit per player for our Men’s and Women’s social teams (excluding Masters). Unfortunately, this has been necessary due to unpaid fees at the end of last season.

Team Fee
Men & Women Senior (competitive) $315 ($205 for students)
Fees are payable following squad announcements.
Men & Women Senior (social) Team fee $4300.
A deposit of $100 per player is required with registration. The balance will depend on number of players per team and will be confirmed by your team manager.
Men (masters) Team fee $4300.
Individual player fees will be advised by team manager, dependent on number of players.


How to pay

Depending on your team, you can pay during the registration process using online bank transfer or Visa/Mastercard.


Players that withdraw from the season will only be given refunds where medical evidence is supplied or on a case-by-case basis agreed with the grade manager. Please contact us in confidence if you need to discuss payment options.

What your fees at UHCF cover

Registration fees contribute towards the cost of operating Upper Hutt City Football. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Affiliation fees to Capital Football (for NZ Football, development support, courses, referees, etc)
  • Club equipment – balls, nets, shirts etc.
  • Turf training and ground fees
  • Prizegiving expenses – certificates, medal and trophies
  • Funding towards tournaments fees
  • Other costs relate to running the club, clubrooms and gear storage facilities



Registration fees only cover a proportion of the costs involved in operating a successful football club. Upper Hutt City Football is very much reliant on sponsorship and fundraising to supplement the income generated from subscriptions.

This year, we’re introducing a club raffle (more info on prizes to come) and would love for our football family to support this fundraising initiative by committing to the sale of raffle tickets. Understandably families are busy and under pressure with other school/work/sport fundraisers, so if you’d prefer to opt-out of this initiative, we do offer a one-off Fundraising Donation of $20 on the registration form.

Or of course, you can choose neither option, that’s absolutely ok. Any additional support is very much appreciated. Funds raised through this initiative will be put towards the purchase of new training equipment.

Any questions about this fundraiser, please contact Club Chairman, Tristan Elder, tristan@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz


Questions or need more info?

Registration (Sporty) enquiries contact: playfootball@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz
Playing/team enquiries:
– Junior relevant grade manager
– Youth and Talent Development jonathan@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz 
– Women & Girls katie@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz
– Men & Masters playfootball@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz

We look forward to an exciting season ahead!